Marble for Bathroom Floors - From UK’s Best Sellers

Marble for Bathroom Floors - From UK’s Best Sellers

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It has been a while since we have talked about the Marble for bathroom floors, but we looked for the right time to put this into your ears. Since 2024, architects and house designers have never stopped ranting about the Marble being used for the bathrooms and kitchens. The reason is they are luxe. Modern. Show Minimalism. Exemplary choice. Every home in the UK would have at least one of its interior or exterior elements decorated with the Marble. Get a free quote from Work-tops.

Marble for Floor Tiles

Colours like White, Beige, Cream or even any soft hues of Marble for bathroom floors are the true item that enhances the look and feel of your interior and exterior decorations. Simply put in line, the Marble showers, walls, floors, and recessed spaces are amazing equip-up things, as they can be custom-made and crafted based on your dream and desire. Marble for floors and tiles is a fortune; I will tell you how. Marbles are natural stones; their strength, resilience, longevity, and endurance levels were decided a million years ago. Even their colours and patterns formed are because of the minerals that settled give them their characteristic feature.

Even after many years, they act to be in their best shape, which is one top quality that everyone agrees to have inside their homes.

Best Marble for Bathroom Floor

A blog is not sufficient to talk about the best Marble for bathroom floors because the trend keeps changing, and new things keep coming to the market. Despite the variations, one thing has never changed, and that is the people’s preference regarding the Marble as the best shower room material. This ain’t a lie,

Top Picks of Work-tops

Popular Marble Choices

Here, we are listing down a few of the popular choices of the Marble. Even with the variations within the stone's price and labour fee, your design preferences and practical needs can be fulfilled by these stones. Go choose stones from this.




Carrara Gioia Marble has  white base that is blessed with busily scattered grey veins in a haphazard manner. The grey upon the white makes the slab look gorgeous. This marble is a sought after stone, popular among both commercial as… read more





Installing Calacatta Viola Fantastico Bookmatch Marble can significantly enhance the value of a property due to its association with luxury and refinement. The slab is beautifully formed with violet, grey and green tones and veins creating a balanced tone.Benefits: This… read more





Statuario Marble is a type of high-quality white marble that is prized for its elegance, beauty, and durability. It is named after the Statuario quarries located in Carrara, Italy, where it is primarily sourced. Statuario marble is known for its… read more


Carrara Marble

Carrara Marble

Classic Carrara Marble for bathroom floors, known for its white or blue-grey background with a hint of soft and feather-like veins. It’s elegant and versatile, suitable for both traditional and modern bathroom designs.

Calacatta Marble

Calacatta is a bit more dramatic, with bolder, more redefined veining. It’s typically whiter than Carrara and often considered more precious than other materials. It’s perfect if you want your bathroom floor to be a statement piece.

Statuario Marble

Statuario Marble combines the best of both Carrara and Calacatta with a crisp white background and striking, bold veining. It’s less common, making it a more exclusive choice. This might make a very nice compliment, along with your calm sinks and steel-framed walk-in showers.

Crema Marfil

Crema Marfil

For a warmer look, Crema Marfil offers beige tones with subtle veining. It’s great for creating a cosy, inviting bathroom atmosphere.

If you have a dilemma between choosing, feel free to chat or mail

Why to Pick Marble Floor Tiles for Bathrooms?

If you’re renovating your bathroom or just dreaming about it, you’ve probably come across the stunning beauty of Marble floor tiles. Marble has been a favourite for centuries, gracing the floors of ancient Roman baths, grand cathedrals, and luxurious mansions. But why is Marble such a popular choice for modern bathrooms?




Carrara White Tiles are one of the most desired tiles by both homeowners and designers. These marble tiles are available in herringbone formats which you can modify in square, hexagon or rectangle patterns for a striking design effect.It comes in… read more





Silver Light Marble Tiles are grey-silver in colour depicting natural variations, making them very attractive for floors, walls, countertops, splashbacks and similar other areas. One can use these Polished Premium Silver Light Marble tiles in a range of domestic and… read more





ST Laurent Marble Tiles Herringbone are stunning pitch black in colour. These tiles will undoubtedly impress whether you use them individually or in pairing. These Tiles are marble tiles that depict natural variations, making them very attractive for floors, walls,… read more


Beauty and the Benefit

Marble for bathroom floors comes in a variety of colours, patterns, and finishes, each piece unique due to the natural veining of the stone. Whether you prefer the classic look of white Carrara marble, the dramatic contrast of black Nero Marquina, or the warm tones of Crema Marfil, there’s a marble tile to match your style.

Durability and Longevity

Marble is a natural stone, which means it’s incredibly durable. With proper care, marble floors can last a lifetime, making them a wise investment for your home. They can withstand the daily wear and tear of a busy bathroom while maintaining their timeless elegance.

Added Home Value

Homes with marble flooring often have a higher resale value. Potential buyers are drawn to the luxurious look and feel of Marble, which can make your home more attractive on the market.

Won’t Marbles Make You Fall? In Love?

Definitely not. Choose the curated marble for bathroom floors and treated and honed surfaces so you will fall in love with it more than in your shower room.

Is Marble Slippery for Shower Floors? Do These for Trouble-free Floor

Marble Slippery

A common concern with marble floor tiles is their potential slipperiness, especially in wet areas like showers. Marble can indeed be slippery when wet, but there are ways to mitigate this risk.

Choose Honed or Textured Marble: Polished marble is the most slippery, but honed (matte) or textured finishes provide a better grip.

Use Smaller Tiles or Mosaics: Smaller tiles mean more grout lines, which can help with traction. Marble mosaics are a popular choice for shower floors.

Anti-Slip Treatments: There are sealants and treatments available that can be applied to the marble to increase its slip resistance.


Marble floor tiles can transform your bathroom into a luxurious retreat. While they do require some maintenance and consideration (especially in wet areas), their beauty and durability make them a fantastic choice. Anyway, not just for the walls, floors and shower walls, but you can also customise the vanity and sink areas using Marbles. All you need to do is reach out to us. Whether you’re going for classic elegance or modern sophistication, Marble tiles can help you achieve the bathroom of your dreams. Visit Work-tops for perfect tiles!

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