Impressive Sunken Garden Seating Design Ideas - Expert Tips

Impressive Sunken Garden Seating Design Ideas - Expert Tips

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The sunken seating ideas from Work-Tops invite you to redefine relaxation, providing a blend of comfort and functionality. Elevate your outdoor living experience with our diverse range of sunken garden seating options, meticulously crafted to transform your space into a haven of serenity and style. For more inspired ideas and to know more about our stone collections, call us on 0330 113 5868 or

What Do You Know About A Sunken Garden?

A sunken garden is exactly as it sounds, a section of the garden that's about a foot lower than the main level. This lower area can be utilised for planting specific flora or transformed into a delightful hidden outdoor sitting spot. With various styles available, choosing the right sunken garden for you is all that's left to do.

A Guide On How To Plan A Sunken Garden Seating
A Guide On How To Plan A Sunken Garden Seating

Initially, you need to decide the purpose of your sunken garden, then the appropriate area to position it; the rest is a bit of digging and other tasks. Before you plan the layout, finalise whether it is a place for plants or a special outdoor area for sitting and relaxing?

Site Selection:

While choosing a suitable location for your sunken garden, consider factors such as sunlight exposure, drainage, and the overall landscape. Apparently, the site should allow for seamless integration with the existing surroundings.

Concept Designing:

While designing a concept for your garden, make sure it aligns with your preferences and complements the overall aesthetic of your property. Finalise the shape, size, and layout of the sunken area, considering whether it will serve as a planting bed, seating area, or a combination of both.


Always keep in mind the major factors before you start digging the hole for your garden which are excess water runoff that naturally gravitates towards the lowest point in your yard. Depending on the slope of your garden, this lowest point could very well be your sunken garden. If you’re planning to utilise the sunken garden as an entertainment space, it's vital to factor in proper drainage. Seeking professional advice on the optimal drainage solutions is advisable for the best results.

Comfortable Seating:

To complement your sunken garden seating area, place garden bench seats for a complete outdoor setting. This includes placing a table and the required amount of benches for afternoon tea or to create a relaxing environment with family and friends in the late evening.




Coral Gold Granite is a type of granite known for its unique combination of warm tones and striking patterns. However, it's important to note that as an AI text-based model, I don't have real-time access to image databases or the… read more





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Statuario Altissimo 401 Quartz is a premium, manually engineered stone slab that combines stunning aesthetics with endurance. Its obvious white background is beautifully veined with subtle grey striations, resembling high-end natural marble. This quartz is ideal for countertops, backsplashes, and… read more


Enjoy Exploring Ideas For Sunken Garden Seating
Enjoy Exploring Ideas For Sunken Garden Seating

Verdant Garden Retreat Seating:

If you love lush greenery, then this seating area surrounded by hedges is the perfect choice for you. Coupled with the lighting under the benches, the hidden garden ambiance creates a lively atmosphere.

Cozy Deep Sunken Lounge Sanctuary:

When you prefer privacy, go for this deep, sunken sanctuary that offers not just depth and comfort but also an isolated space from the rest of your garden. This design reduces noise transmission, guaranteeing a tranquil and undisturbed experience.

Covered Sunken Seating Retreat:

Under rain or sunshine, this sunken garden seating is perfectly built to provide privacy and protection from elements, making it the perfect spot for relaxation under any weather conditions.

Private Sunken Seating With Elements Of Nature:

Immerse yourself in the tranquilly of a semi-circle bench, embraced by lush green hedges. What distinguishes this sunken fire pit is its meticulously designed blend of multiple materials. The fire pit and plant boxes boast sleek metal craftsmanship, the seating exudes warmth with its wooden construction, and the expansive steps showcase the enduring beauty of stone.

Explore our exquisite stone collections to enhance your sunken garden seating. Get a free quote from us for a curated selection that adds timeless elegance to your outdoor retreat.

Best Flooring Ideas For Sunken Garden Seating Lounge
Best Flooring Ideas For Sunken Garden Seating Lounge

Natural Stone Pavers:

Enhance the rustic charm of your sunken garden with natural stone pavers. Their durability and timeless appeal make them an excellent choice for creating a stylish and enduring sunken garden seating area.

Porcelain Tiles:

Go for Porcelain tile varieties for a modern look. You can find a wide variety of colours and patterns, specifically beige a popular choice among homeowners. These tiles are most recommended because they are resistant to stains and moisture, making them practical for outdoor lounging areas.

Concrete Paving Slabs:

With Concrete paving slabs like Concrete Leather Quartz you can transform your outdoor space into a modern garden with their contemporary appeal and low-maintenance benefits.

Earthy Look Of Limestone:

The earthy and subtle texture of Limestone comes in various colours, including beige, grey, and brown, and adds a timeless elegance to your sunken garden seating.

Visually Striking Slate:

Slate with its rich colours and natural cleft surface, is available in various shades, including deep greys, blues, and greens, providing a dramatic and textured flooring choice.




Concrete Leather Quartz is a naturally gorgeous, long-lasting, and sanitary surface material with superior strength and durability. It has outstanding strength and toughness due to its natural quartz core, which makes it resistant to influence and difficult to scratch, chip,… read more





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In conclusion, the incorporation of sunken garden seating into your garden can elevate its aesthetic appeal and functionality. The impressive design ideas explored in this guide offer a range of possibilities to suit various tastes and preferences. From cosy nooks surrounded by lush greenery to sophisticated lounges with modern flair, the versatility of sunken seating opens doors to creative landscaping.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Are The Steps To Construct A Sunken Garden Seating Area?

With the outside dimensions of the sunken seating area in a garden, dig a whole 400mm larger where you can allow a 200mm drainage cavity around the perimeter. An excavator will be required to do the bulk of the earth moving depending on the size of the sunken seating area.

  • How To Drain A Sunken Garden Seating Area?

For getting water drained out of the sunken area, you can add a drain and pipe it to a storm drainage system, or pipe it to dry well depending on ground drainage conditions.

  • Could You Recommend Plants For My Sunken Garden?

In high rainfall areas, a sunken garden is likely humid, compared to the portions above the garden. Therefore, it is recommended to opt for moisture plants namely ferns, gardenia, ixora etc which will do better in such moist gardens.

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