Unpopular Interior Design Opinions For Your Modern Home

Unpopular Interior Design Opinions For Your Modern Home

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Discover how unpopular interior design opinions with mismatched furniture, dark walls in small spaces, and unconventional wallpaper choices can elevate your home. Embrace unique ideas like visible storage as decor and mixed metal finishes for a truly personalised and distinctive interior. Explore our unconventional perspectives to redefine your understanding of interior design and unleash your creativity.

Do You Think A Mismatched Countertop Can Be Stylish?

Do You Think A Mismatched Countertop Can Be Stylish?

Embrace the trend of mismatched countertops for a stylish kitchen although it falls under the trend of unpopular interior design opinions. Mixing materials like Quartz, Granite, or butcher block adds visual interest and a personalised touch. Choose complementary colours and textures to create a harmonious balance, turning your home into a unique and trendy space that reflects your style with flair.

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Blue Barracuda Granite is a White-black Granite with irregular veins scattered on the surface that is originated from India. The sealant added to the Granite gives the more reliable performance of keeping the spillage during cooking from being absorbed into… read more





Carrara Smoky Quartz is a strong white quartz with a blurred appearance. The veins that are not evident but give a white foggy appearance is the most versatile and demanded feature in the Carrara Smoky Quartz. The cost of Carrara… read more





Colonial Ivory Granite has a consistent, medium-grained texture with a light-colored base. The predominant color is a soft ivory or cream, which gives it a timeless and elegant look. It may also contain veining or specks of darker colors, adding… read more


Dark Walls In Small Spaces

Dark Walls In Small Spaces

Contrary to common belief, dark walls in small spaces can be a design triumph. Deep, moody hues like charcoal, navy, or forest green can create an intimate and cosy atmosphere. These colours add depth, making the space feel more substantial. With limited preconceptions about unpopular interior design opinions, homeowners can effortlessly elevate small spaces into chic, welcoming retreats by pairing strategic lighting and minimalistic furnishings with bold, dark walls, creating an atmosphere imbued with stylish drama.

Opt for the sophisticated elegance of dark stones when choosing dark stones for a stylish and timeless aesthetic.




Black Taurus Leather Bookmatch Quartzite is a black gold stunning slab with majestic veins running parallel to one another. The stone makes the place more royale with its mesmerising patterns. Bookmatch quartzite is aesthetically cute for the kitchen, bathroom, fireplace,… read more





Malachite Semi Precious Stone Slab has an enchanting visual appearance created by repetitive green and black hallucinative designs. This stunning decorative stone slab is popularly used by both residential homeowners as well as commercial property owners. Also, this stain-resistant semi-precious… read more





Emperador Marron Marble lives up to its name thanks to the mix of its dominant dark tone alternating capriciously with seams in a light colour. The aesthetic qualities of this marble makes this one of the most searched materials known.… read more


Accent Wall Patterns Draw The Eye Up

Accent Wall Patterns Draw The Eye Up

Accent wall patterns aren't limited to eye level; they can draw the eye upward, creating an illusion of height. Vertical patterns, whether through wallpaper or paint, guide the gaze upward, making ceilings appear taller and rooms more spacious. This unconventional approach adds a dynamic visual element to your space, transforming it into a captivating and well-balanced environment.

Certainly, accent wall patterns play a unique role in altering the perception of space. While many associate them with eye-level impact, strategically placed patterns can draw the eye upward, contributing to the illusion of heightened ceilings.

Opting for vertical patterns through wallpaper or painted designs creates a visual cue that leads the gaze skyward. This imparts a sense of grandeur and fosters an expansive atmosphere within the room.

By breaking the conventional boundaries of horizontal focus, accent wall patterns become a powerful tool in interior design, offering a dynamic and unexpected element that enhances the overall aesthetics of a space. This innovative approach transforms how we perceive room dimensions, making ceilings feel loftier and rooms more open and inviting.

Formal Dining Rooms Are Outdated

Formal Dining Rooms are Outdated

Formal dining rooms, once a staple of elegant homes, are experiencing a decline in popularity as contemporary design trends lean towards more versatile and casual living spaces. With few unpopular interior design opinions, families and homeowners are seeking more flexible environments that encourage interaction and cater to diverse activities beyond formal meals.

How Can Minimalism Add Vibrance To The Living Room?

How Can Minimalism Add Vibrance To The Living Room

Though it may seem boring and outdated to talk about unpopular interior design opinions, there are ways to create a wonderful ambiance for your home.

Opt for vibrant, bold colours that resonate with your personal style. Add a single statement furniture piece, such as a colourful sofa, a unique coffee table, or an artistic chair. Hang a large piece of art with bold colours. Introduce colourful pots or planters for an extra pop. Mirrors with bold frames serve as stylish decor elements. Additionally, don’t forget to install pendant lights, floor lamps, or table lamps to impact the mood and atmosphere of a room.




New Calacatta Gold Quartz is one of the hottest countertop products according to owners and designers. Calacatta Gold helps you to build a bathroom or kitchen that stands out by its exclusivity while still keeping these rooms functional. Our quartz… read more


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why Should I Consider Minimalistic Design When I Love Collecting Decorative Items?

When we talk about unpopular interior design opinions, we also touch on concepts related to minimalistic design which doesn't mean sacrificing personal style. It's about intentional curation and displaying items that bring you joy. We need to consider quality over quantity for a more impactful collection.

  • Aren't White Or Neutral Colour Schemes Boring?

Neutral colours provide a timeless and versatile backdrop for design. They can be a canvas for accent colours and textures. Experimenting with accessories and artwork can add vibrancy to neutral spaces.

  • Are Retro Design Tiles A Comeback In Modern Design?

Yes. Retro tile collection to seamlessly integrate unique and unconventional design elements into your interior space. When paired with proper lighting, it transforms small rooms into stylish retreats.

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