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White Quartz Worktop

White quartz worktops have almost taken over the badge from granite worktops and other natural stones in terms of luxury assets. Not so long ago, you would see people flocking to stores for Granites and Marbles to incorporate into their homes, to add that tag of "Luxury". These days, you will hardly see any stone market denying quartz. With quartz crystals ranging from white to black quartz and almost every shade of the spectrum, it is successfully offering buyers a vast range of colour choices. Learn More

What Are White Quartz Countertops Beneficiaries?

White quartz countertops offer numerous advantages. They provide a timeless and versatile aesthetic, complementing various kitchen and bathroom designs. Their non-porous nature makes them highly resistant to stains, bacteria, and moisture, ensuring easy cleaning and maintenance. White quartz is a substantially sheen surface that reflects light, brightens the space, and pairs well with neutral and earthy-toned colours and materials. Additionally, it's incredibly durable and resistant to scratches and heat. With a sleek, clean look and durability, white quartz countertops are a practical and visually appealing choice for any home.

Which Is The Most Popular Quartz Colour?

Though quartz is the obvious choice, white-coloured quartz with a combination of grey, gold, silver and others is one of the most popular quartz countertop colours that purchasers select when purchasing for home renovations or commercial spaces. For us, frequently purchased and rare colours, like,

  • Pea Green
  • Red
  • Silver
  • Pink could transform your space better.

Reasons Why White Quartz Worktops Are Among The Most Popular Choices:

White quartz countertops are intimidating to many people for obvious reasons. They work well in contemporary, minimalist interiors, which have become popular recently. Furthermore, white exudes a pure and elegant vibe.

Due to whites' tendency to become stained and scratched, people refrain from being prompt about white countertop choices even if they look extremely classy and elegant. But this shouldn't ever be an issue with white quartz because they are non-porous, durable and very easy to maintain.

The adaptability: White complements any decor! White quartz countertops are always a good choice, regardless of whether you have grey tables, pink chairs, or black walls. Your white quartz countertops won't need to be changed, even if you decide to paint the walls or buy new furniture.

Resale value: Thanks to their adaptability, you won't need to replace them when you sell your home.

The colour white is associated with happiness and purity. You evoke just that in your space by choosing white quartz countertops.

Options galore: Choosing white does not necessarily mean choosing only pure white. There are numerous shades of white, from off-white to creamy white, with different veining and pattern options.

Most Frequently Enquired Questions And Answers

At this rate of popularity of white quartz amongst buyers, it is only normal that numerous questions arise in your minds before purchasing it. We shall answer some of the frequently asked questions regarding white quartz worktops below:

Do White Quartz Worktops Show Dirt?

Those kitchen countertops with denser veins and patterns show less dirt, whereas crisp white ones with very little or no veins and a plain white background tend to make the dirt on your working bench visible.

Does White Quartz Stain Easily?

Due to whites' tendency to become stained, people refrain from being prompt about white countertop choices even if they look extremely classy and elegant. But this shouldn't ever be an issue with white quartz because they are manufactured to be highly non-porous, which means liquid and fluid spills during prep and cooking will not penetrate your worktop, given they are not left for prolonged periods.

Do White Crystal Quartz and White Quartz Countertops Discolour Over Time?

Consequently, those countertops that have been in the sun's rays for a long time will turn yellow. These particular yellow stains are irreversible and persistent. Use granite worktops if you are planning to build outdoor kitchens.

Can Sunlight Damage The White Sparkle Worktop?

Mild Sun Rays will not damage your sparkly white worktops. Infrequent exposure to UV rays won't harm a quartz countertop; for instance, if it receives a little sunlight each day, it won't darken or become dull. White quartz crystal or any quartz colour is inappropriate for exterior applications.

Do White Quartz Tiles And White Quartz Stone Fade In Sunlight?

As previously mentioned, quartz generally has poor heat and abrasion resistance, so it will eventually turn yellow when exposed to intense heat and sunlight. However, this usually only occurs if you have exposed the countertop to direct sunlight daily or have used indoor quartz outdoors. The sunlight-related discolouration is comparatively uncommon under normal circumstances.

Will Hot Pans And Toasters Damage My White Quartz Countertop?

DON'T place Hot Pans on your quartz countertops.

Even though quartz countertops are incredibly resilient and claimed to be heat resistant, placing hot pans and toasters directly on the surface can harm the substance. As with most other countertops, you must use a trivet to protect it from heat burns. Heat can damage your seals and cause discolouration and cracking of your workbench.

Can I Put A Coffee Maker On The White Countertops?

Quartz countertops can withstand brief contact with hot objects because they are heat resistant but not heatproof. A steaming mug of coffee, a warm plate of food, or a coffee maker won't cause any issues.

Can You Use Lemon Juice To Remove Stains On White Worktop Quartz?

Even all-natural cleansers like lemon or vinegar can be excessively abrasive because they are acidic and could potentially harm the surface. If you encounter a tough stain, consider using baking soda as a milder substitute.

How Is Carrara Quartz Better Than Carrara Marble?

Homeowners can now select Carrara quartz because it not only resembles Carrara marble's appearance but also brings its non-porous and low maintenance qualities along, unlike marble.

Where Else Can You Use White Quartz?

Besides building a kitchen with a white worktop, your crystal white quartz can be successfully used for splashback bathrooms, bathroom worktops, bathroom cladding, kitchen sinks with taps, interior wall cladding, kitchen windowsill, upstands, facades, etc.

Is White Quartz Crystal Hard to Maintain?

White crystal surely looks amazing, but if a spill is not cleaned up quickly, even a quartz countertop can become stained by substances like red wine, tea, coffee, tomato sauce, and more. The best cleaning solution for your white quartz surfaces and countertop kitchen is a mild soap, such as a dishwashing liquid. It is easy to maintain them. Just soak a soft cloth in lukewarm water mixed with mild soap and wipe your surface. After one wet wipe, follow the process with dry wiping.

If you are looking for an urgent kitchen or bathroom renovation, check our stone collection or send us your enquiries at We generally complete your orders from stone procurement to installation within a maximum of 10 days, except in special circumstances.

If your project is comparatively a smaller scale, check these

stone offcuts that might be helpful to minimise your expenses drastically.