Artistic Wall Installations Elevate Your Home Interiors

Artistic Wall Installations Elevate Your Home Interiors

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Artistic Wall Installations using materials like Marble, Onyx, Semi-precious, and Bookmatch stones can transform a space into a work of art. Imagine walking into a room and being greeted by a stunning wall adorned with the natural beauty of these stones. You can get geometric patterns, arranging Marble or Onyx tiles in captivating designs that catch the eye. These stones' vibrant colours and unique patterns will add a sense of elegance and charm. Let your imagination run wild and create a space that reflects your personal style and artistic vision!




Silver Bookmatch Travertine is available in two colour tones: light and dark. Bookmatched stone works best in large feature areas when the entire effect may be seen. It truly becomes a piece of art when patterns, forms, or even faces… read more


Artistic Wall Installations Design Ideas

Here are some friendly design ideas for artistic wall installations using these types of stones.

Bookmatched Marble Elegance

  • Create a focal point by book-matching marble slabs on the walls.

  • Bookmatching involves aligning two stone slabs, showcasing the natural veining and patterns for a visually striking effect.

  • The symmetrical patterns created by bookmatching add elegance and sophistication to any space.

  • Choose Marble varieties with bold veining, such as Calacatta, to make a dramatic statement.

Onyx Backlit Beauty

Onyx Backlit Beauty

  • Install backlit Onyx panels on a feature wall to add a touch of enchantment.

  • The translucent nature of Onyx allows light to pass through, illuminating the unique colours and patterns and creating a captivating ambience.

  • Backlighting Onyx panels can create a mesmerising glow, enhancing the natural beauty of the stone.

  • Consider using warm LED lights to create a cosy and inviting atmosphere.

Mosaic Magic

Mosaic Magic

  • Adding Mosaic stone to your Kitchen walls will create an aesthetic, graceful and captivating look for your space.

  • These stones' vibrant colours and natural patterns will bring your space a sense of artistry and luxury.

  • Arrange the stones in geometric and organic patterns to create a stunning mosaic.

Geometric Marvel

Geometric Marvel

  • Experiment with geometric patterns using Marble and Onyx tiles.

  • Play with different shapes and sizes to create a modern, visually appealing design that adds depth and interest to your wall.

  • Mix and match contrasting colours, or choose a monochromatic scheme to suit your style.

Textured Stone Delight

  • Incorporate textured stone panels made of Marble or Onyx to add a tactile element to your wall.

  • Carved or textured surfaces can create unique patterns or motifs, adding a touch of artistry and sophistication.

  • Consider using 3D textured panels to create a dynamic and visually exciting wall installation.

  • Play with different textures, such as rough, polished, or brushed finish, to create a multi-dimensional effect.

Artistic Wall Installations Guide

Choose Your Stone:




Malachite Semi Precious Stone Slab has an enchanting visual appearance created by repetitive green and black hallucinative designs. This stunning decorative stone slab is popularly used by both residential homeowners as well as commercial property owners. Also, this stain-resistant semi-precious… read more





Amethyst Semi Precious Stone Slab is a fantastic decorative stone slab that is popularly used by both residential homeowners as well as commercial property owners. It has a striking visual appearance that features repetitive designs created by varying shades of… read more





Picasso Gem Semi Precious Stone Slab creates a stunning visual appearance with its multicolour design featuring colours like pink, navy blue, brown, gold, black and translucent gems that are bound together by resin. This stunning decorative stone slab is popularly… read more


Plan Your Design:

  • Consider your space's overall design and layout before proceeding with the wall installation.

  • Determine whether you want a focal point, an accent wall, or a seamless integration of the stone into the entire room.

  • Sketch out your ideas or use creative design to visualise how the stones will be arranged and how they will interact with other elements in the room.

Experiment With Patterns:

Bookmatch Marble

  • Create patterns and arrangements to add visual interest to your wall installation.

  • For bookmatched Marble or Onyx, the mirrored patterns will naturally create a captivating effect.

  • Using semi precious stones, consider mosaic designs or geometric patterns to showcase their vibrant colours and unique textures.

Experience Our Artistic Touch:

Work-Tops professionals can cater to your artistic wall installations service. Purchasing premium tiles and having them professionally installed can increase your house's lifespan and general aesthetic appeal. Check out our customer's kitchen.

For more information, contact us on 0330 113 5868 or write to us at to get expert assistance.

Artistic Wall Installations Maintenance

Artistic Wall Installations Maintenance

Maintaining the beauty of artistic wall installations is a rewarding endeavour that ensures the longevity and allure of these one-of-a-kind pieces. Like any masterpiece, these installations require a certain amount of care and attention to maintain their aesthetic appeal over time.

Begin by adopting a gentle cleaning approach. Dust and dirt can accumulate on the surfaces, dulling the natural lustre of the stones. During this task, a soft brush or a microfiber cloth will be your best friend. Sweep away any debris gently, reaching into crevices and corners to reveal the hidden beauty of each stone.

Regular inspections are crucial to preventing issues before they arise. Keep an eye out for signs of wear, cracks or loose stones. Promptly address any concerns to maintain the installation's structural integrity and overall aesthetic. Be mindful of freezing temperatures in colder climates, as water trapped in crevices could expand and cause damage.




Cosmic White Granite, known by the other name, Viscount White Granite, is a fantastic option for your kitchen countertops with waves of grey, white, and black. The immensely intricate beauty of nature is brought to light by the Cosmic White… read more





Origin: Italy Statuario Miele Bookmatch Marble is famous for its elegance and durability and is a popular material for residential and commercial buildings.Appearance: It manifests through the base's white and grey veins extending throughout the stone's surface while providing an… read more





Brazil is the main location for the mining of Cristallo Tiffany Quartzite. Cristallo Tiffany Quartzite is one of the various quartzite variations with striking green hues and a distinct veining pattern that are taken out of Brazilian quarries. The country… read more


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Can One Protect Stone Wall Installations From The Elements?

Applying a stone sealer creates a protective barrier against moisture and stains, enhancing the natural colours of the stones. This preventive measure is particularly beneficial in outdoor installations exposed to varying weather conditions.

  • How Do You Set Up Wall Art?

To set up wall art, choose a focal point, consider eye level for placement, and ensure proper lighting. Experiment with layouts before committing, using precision for alignment and balance.

  • What Is The Purpose Of Artistic Wall Installations?

Installation art aims to engage viewers in a multisensory experience, challenging traditional boundaries. It often explores space, time, and materials, prompting reflection, interaction, and emotional responses within a specific environment.

  • What Is Clean Installation?

A clean installation typically means setting up software or an operating system without retaining previous configurations or files. It ensures a fresh start, minimising potential conflicts and improving system performance by providing a pristine environment free from clutter or issues associated with previous installations.

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